Genuine, I was going to start the new year with a bang – writing a post which I had not done for weeks, and activating my new YouTube channel with new videos, along with a cross revitalisation of my digital presence. And read to the end if you want to know what Hypengyophobio means.
Let me rephrase that – I was going to start the new year with a digital bang. Revitalising my blog, my YouTube channel and my digital presence.
But then life unfolded itself by way of surprise visitors for a late afternoon cup of coffee, that turned into a leisurely game drive on the farm, followed by an emergency Jaffels late supper because they had not left by 8.30pm yet. 10.15, PM!
So, the message is this, best laid plans…… must remain flexible. And cut the @#$!, very little of what we plan for ourselves are of such urgency and importance that they need to be done right away, at the expense of good neighbourliness.
Therefore, on the 2nd day of the new year, I am dedicating my morning to processing videos, and resetting my intellectual profile. Which turns out to be a good thing, because today I am full so determination to reach my goal, no matter what obstacles technology puts in my way.
And with that, I will end today’s post with a sample of photos of the last 8 months of adopting, and adapting to, a sustainable living off the land lifestyle.
For the month of May 2023, I selected photos from a variety of activities:

June 2023 follows in the same vein, but you will have to wait till tomorrow for that post. In fact, every day for the next 7 days, I will post a month’s memories.
Now get back to those new year’s promises you made yourself 2 days ago!
PS – Go visit my YouTube channel, and press the follow / subscribe button. Please. Thank you, Ciao
PPS – that big word in the title? it means the fear of New Year’s resolutions.