The story starts here: The Story of this Motley Crew – part II – TheGreatReset(of2020) (thegreatreset-thorn.com)
While we don’t know Bru Ben, we like him. Mr Jokes is his other name. I am not sure he is intentionally funny, but nonetheless, where he is, there is general laughter all round.
Take this photograph of the crew as an example. There he was, minding his own business, when he startled a lazy sun-baked lizard out of minding its very own business. I say he startled the lizard, but I think it was the other way around. How else do you think BruBen ended up in the wheelbarrow?
A very happy-go-lucky soul, who easily breezes in and out of town, wherever the winds of fortune carry him. And he always seems to have something. Something he is happy to share and share alike. Even if he has not been on a job for a few weeks, if he has an apple in his pocket, he will share it with you. Quite possibly, that is the secret to happiness. Don’t hog, share. And be content with what the universe shares with you. Whether by way of an unforeseen job opportunity when you, if truth be told, came to visit your brother from another mother, or the fact that it was not a poisonous snake that was baking on the rake in the sun.
How does he fit in at the end? –> The Story of this Motley Crew – part II – TheGreatReset(of2020) (thegreatreset-thorn.com)