Pro-active planning for productive week on the farm. You see what I am doing here, don’t you…. It’s a very clever technique.

Capturing all those loose tasks to be done.

Then re-arranging them neatly (well, perhaps less neat) into what I must do, and what others must do, and slot into the week.

How to look busy while you are actually busy postponing getting down to business. And then writing about it.

So, the plan this week looks like this:


Admin (Blog, Livestock records, tax status, minutes review and Maketaan preserve preparation (with assistance).

Betty and Charlotte – expert Maketaan peelers / prickers / choppers

Supervise cold room shelving installation.


Preparation for annual audit of farm, pre-audit committee meeting, virtual conference and Maketaan preservation. Its local name is Piri-tsamab. (Punctuation not necessarily correct, but required to indicate pronunciation). You can expect a consignment of Maketaan (or Piri-tsamab) preserve at the LuvEarth kiosk at Finkenstein by next week Monday. I’ve written about my Maketaan preserve before. My Maketaan, your %$# Waatlemoen

Supervise kitchen under counter shelf installation.


Agri consulting research and preparation, prepare groceries list and supervise solar panel cleaning.

(Hopefully) formalise produce (hot sauce, tomatao pasta sauce, biscuits, jams and preserves, and various gluten free and/or sugar free options thereof) fact sheets for marketing purposes.


Complete audit file, rearrange cold room and kitchen storage, and housecleaning.


Prep for board meetings and collect farm workers’ children from school for the holidays. That is a 40k drive, so not bad, and an opportunity to go shopping at the local mall . (I’ll post a picture on Friday).


Work the cattle –> ear tags for the new calves, horn treatment, introducing the young lady cows to the gentlemen cattle and let nature take its course.

Compile the audit file, and prep for more board meetings.


Final chance to catch-up on-board meeting preparation.

And that is it. By the end of the week, I shall have an honest (and transparent) self-evaluation of my work performance this week.

May your coffee breaks be fueled by inspiration and remarkable coffee.


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