Typical of farm life, you get used to not worrying about stocking the pantry with eggs, because Mrs Hank and her lady friends are laying more than enough eggs. Lo and behold, not today. And tomorrow I need to bake a cake.

Never fear, we can make a plan. Enter . …. No! Enter : “The sweet roasting tin”. https://thehappyfoodie.co.uk/books/the-sweet-roasting-tin-cookbook/ Rukmini’s Fridge cake does not need eggs, but it does need dark chocolate, digestive biscuits, cherries and pistachio, none of which I have. But I have a plan, I always have a plan. Come see how I replace ingredients with reckless abandon.

No-bake quick fridge cake

Thanks for my personalized spatula Jake and Jessica! 😻

The actual ingredients list is something along the lines of:

Ps – there is no sugar in the dark chocolate replacement, because there is enough sweetness in the syrup and the biscuits. Don’t go thinking you can gulp down butter and cacao as a late night snack raid!

Dark Chocolate200gNo problem, replace with 1T butter and 3T cacao for every 30g you need
Golden syrup70gYep
Digestive biscuits200gargh! none available. Let me just use my sourdough coconut cookies instead
Glace cherries200gNot my favourite, but 100g of dried cranberries instead gives it a nice tang
pistachios100gI wish! using 100g walnuts instead.
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