My name is Talita, and I am a hedonist. Good food, good company, good music makes a good weekend.

Hedonist is a person who believes the pursuit of pleasure is the most important thing in life.

And why not. In the post For whom the bell tolls – just once…and those who remain standing, I repeat the life question on why chocolatiers insist on including chocolate coated marzipan in the tray.  

My ex-colleague had questioned why chocolatiers keep putting in the least favorite chocolates in the “All because the lady loves milk tray” boxes.

A selection of experiences

Because, quite simply, there are those favorite chocolates to savor and appreciate. 😊 .

Philosophical hedonists focus on the hedonistic theories of value, especially the good life of the one living it.

Hedonism is a school of thought that argues seeking pleasure and avoiding suffering are the only components of well-being.

Ethical hedonism is the view that combines hedonism with welfarist ethics. What we should do depends exclusively on what affects the well-being of individuals.

This has been a weekend of the good life. Thanks for a great Friday night Rika, and again, happy 50th! Talk about good food + good company + good music = good vibes.

So, this weekend, less words, and more visual story telling of the hedonistic life, and the inspiration for #popuprestaurantdreams.

This storyboard shares 50 random kitchen experiments (and yes, bravely declares some disasters), all fueled by AF cocktails. Because who can resist cooking a great meal, without a glass of something in the hand.

I hope these inspire some experiments of your own.

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  1. Apart from being uber hungry after salivating over all those delicious dishes …. i did my own experiments – sent photos to the writer – to post of not as she likes.
    I leave you with a thought ……. There is always another way of seeing things!!!!

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