Do you always compare yourself to others?
That was the question I asked myself, which I should have asked the person (or anonymous group of persons) presenting me with a challenge this week.
It related to why someone else (or another anonymous group of persons) did not have to go through the same hurdles as I was presenting, to get what he/she/they wanted.
It is simple really:
Do what is right.
Because it is the right thing to do.
Let me put it into the one-dimensional perspective that was part of the presentation to me. Do not think someone else has it better on the basis of your half arsed biased comparison. You have clearly not considered all the factors. You have clearly not seen the shoes they are wearing, never mind walked a mile in them. There is a very apt saying, which I believe in as much as good karma and bad karma: “Be careful what you wish for, you might just get it”.
Let me now put it into a developmental perspective that I strive for every day. Want something? What have you done about it? Did it work? No? Still want it? Then do what you need to do, to bring it about. In other words, drop the “entitlement” attitude. Even when you are entitled to something, lets take a bank mortgage as an example, you still must do something (in this case fill out hordes of paperwork, and prove all manner of credit reliability) before you can access even your own access bond. Another example, clean air and water. It is a most basic human right, is it not? Not if you pollute the air and the water. So do your bit, and yours will come to you.
And please:
REFUSE single use items
REDUCE waste and pollution
REUSE packaging, bottles
RECYLE make the minimal effort to split your dustbin into two –> recyleables, and genuine waste.
Lastly – Keep COVID safe!