I am paraphrasing of course.

Rainbow profits – a harvest selection

In my usual fashion, I am taking conscious lessons on living off the land, and unconscious lessons on life.

The farm has progressed well. Last year I made some profits off the sale of fresh produce, mostly Eggplant and rainbow peppers.

This year, my production line is non-existent at this stage.

Two reasons:

These are not actually crib notes – these are my exam papers – the convenience of COVID – write at home

During planting season, I was busy with my advanced tax studies (which I passed quite well, thank you for asking, and thanks to Doc Karen Stark).

And, more practically, because of our new chickens.

I wanted chickens for my birthday, and I got chickens for my birthday. It is lovely to hear their chatter and bragging about their laying prowess.

And you feel special when they rush to you every time you exit the back door. The fact that they are only after you for on the off chance you are discarding some kitchen scraps is beside the point.

So there is life around the house…….(insert theme music from Jaws movie here)…… Life starts around 4am…….

Its the “hoomans” that are locked up in the yard, while the “well diversified livestock” roam about.
Hank and company

And life needs to be fed. Layer Mash only lasted so long, they got bored. Mielies only lasted so long, they are bored. Garden pests are taken care off. Less weed removal required in general garden, due to the scrubbing of hens looking for interesting appetizers.

Rain is not due for another 2 or so weeks, and the veld is quite dreary. So no greenery for them to feed on. Did I mention they are free range chickens?

Dont let this chicken fool you – she snuck into the witness protection program. She is a free range chicken!

And range freely they do, into my vegetable patch. Gone are the organic carrots a friend brought all the way from Europe. Gone are the normal carrots because chickens pecked the greenery down to the nib, so carrots cannot get the nutrients they get through chlorophyll process.

And so on.

What they don’t eat (yet), is SoutBos, Wild Garlic, artichokes (neither fresh nor cooked), eggplant, citrus, and onions. (Post script –> found Senor Oignon…..)

Everything else is fair game. Remember this ad? Come now, say it with me “They taste so good cause they eat so good”.

So the practical living off the land lesson is now done.

For the life lesson: Careful what you wish for, you might just get it.

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