It’s 1.37am, and that old 80’s tune is rolling around in my head like marbles in a glass jar. Paranoimia by Art of Noise, featuring Max Headroom. You remember? That cartoon style blond newsreader? That so clearly rolled his eyes in exasperation “please let me sleep”. Google it, for a blast from the past.
Talking about googling it, I was listening to an audio book on Neurogeneration this morning. Or rather yesterday morning. They kept on referring to N=1 as if it is a common term. Like I said before, I like knowing how things work, or at least the basic principles.
It turns out, N+1 is a magazine of literature, culture and politics. It also means means that there is a power backup in place should any single system component fail. The ‘N’ in this equation stands for the number of components necessary to run your system. The ‘+1’ means there is one independent backup should a component of that system fail.
Does that not nicely define the purpose of my blog? “….Exploring options”.
N-1 on the other hand, can mean many things.
In real life, it means the second-to-last object in a set. Basically, it’s the penultimate object/event in a series of events.
In mathematics, it’s meaning is similar to what it means in real life. It is just n subtracted from 1.
I like both these concepts. Simple and clean, like Vulcan logic.
But my favorite has to be N=1. It encapsulates the psyche of all I do on the farm, and in life.
N=1. A science experiment with a sample of 1. You.
LeCheffre – Ketogenics forum
Ps – the reason I can’t sleep is that I am very excited. I managed to swing a deal at the office. It’s work related, so I can’t share the detail. But it’s huge 🤗.
Good night, let me 🎼 count 🎤 those🎹 bars🎸 on🥁 the window.
Well now I am excited too