The date today, is of course a popular topic. 01/01/2022.
And undeniably, so are new year’s resolutions. My resolution was to write a last post of the year yesterday, perhaps a recap of the most popular dishes for last year. Or a review of the new DBP products launched during the year. But there were snacks to be prepared for the party on the dune, and it had to be prepared x +/- 19 times.
Which reminds me, I forgot, to take a picture of the

- shredded duck on mini pita’s – a la neighbour’s duck (with a couple of steam pot sessions
), with Elodé’s 5 spice sauce from our previous attempt at roast duck.
- Malawi Nsima sticks with a Mozambique piri-piri dip, both a la Africa Café (A popular restaurant in Cape Town), and an 80’s style 1,000 island sauce.
- Healthy alternative macadamia nut butter, which I did manage to advertise yesterday.
Anyway, this post is not about last night’s party. (Thanks Jens and Silke – the trouble you went to, to host a New Year’s on the Dune, complete with tables, tents, and farm fresh décor, was lovely!)
This post is about the digits that represent today.
On switches, of which there are two. Off switches of which there are three. And a smattering of twos, which I shall designate as the leapfrog switches.
Alternatively, you can call them inputs, and outputs, plus a smattering of amplifiers. Before the techies out there get all worked up, I am taking the literary liberty to paraphrase from
Let’s cut the convoluted debate to the bone. The message is simple really.
Switch off the contrariness of the last year. I am going to ask you, to stand by me, and let us be the ones to brave the tide of corruption. To the extent that it takes courage to point out circumstances that could be construed as bribery or corruption, and to the extent that we will inevitably pick a longer and more winding road to get to our own goals. But it will be proper.
Switch on that big ticket bucket list item that you have always wanted to do. This is the year to plan for it, and to implement it. For me, it will be the move to living off the land full time.
Lastly, that scheme you invested in the 12 months up to yesterday. Particularly the area in which you invested a lot of time. Unfurl those sails, deploy the banners. This is the year to apply that investment to leapfrog over all obstacles, using the impetus from last year’s successes. I’ll be localising the tax studies I completed last year, to complement my repertoire of business and governance skills and experience, which in turn will allow me to execute my strategy for the year ahead.
2022 = 365 opportunities for you to STOP something, START something else, and CONTINUE with your conquests….

Sjoe maar jy is oulik. Absolutely love it!