I am sorry, that was the best word play I was able to come up with, given that today is first day of Spring.
It is a little bit like my first blog, where I try and contrast the sugar and spice, to a well matured curry. It is a little like that song from my childhood, which directly translated, goes something like this:

Yes, perhaps it is cheerfully spring, but at the same time, the bitterly cold wind is blowing through the deserting streets of Windhoek this morning.
And yes, I do mean to say deserting, because yet another long-standing shop down Independence avenue, has closed its doors forever. So yes again, there are some good things to celebrate, such as the dawn of new life. However, at the same time, we still have not been able to accommodate this Corona virus into everyday life. The change is substantial.
But let me change tack there. After all, I have a diminished capacity for pessimism. I grant myself a few self-indulgent moments of “woe is me”, and then it is back to making it work.
Because of the essence of it. Whatever that it is for you, whether it is the essence of beauty, or life, or joy, or truth, or play. Make it work. Make work of it.
My dad asked me again last night, why I decided to become a farmer. Slight correction, I am still becoming a farmer, not all the way there yet.
It is a difficult one to answer, other than, it was suddenly there. Not so much in a Satori or Kenshõ way (which are Japanese terms that convey enlightenment in a flash), but more in an “id est” kind of way. That is. Therefore I am.
I should have made that a Haiku.
Maybe I still will.
(Darn it, again, missed the Haiku again with one word 😉.)
Who knows what circumstances and experiences all contributed to the “id est” in my heart, and in my soul?
I do recall the moment that it revealed itself to me. Thanks to an old friend (Dicky is not old, but he is an old friend….) who simply asked, “but why don’t you buy the farm next door”. Indeed, it was that simple, why don’t I?
Ok, there was a fair amount of convincing “the husband”, but that is the thing with “id est”. It is, and therefore it will be.

Now I must just “id est” my vegetable greenhouse to become a reliable source of income, and option number 2 will unfurl its full potential.
Just like the buds of spring.

A collection of buds, from a collection of friends.
Happy Spring Everybody!
Nice, I want to have a small garden at my house. When time is ready, I will reach out…
This little kid is Cecil X. The son of Kruispad Cecil, and ewe X. His brother, Ziggy, is being bottle fed, so has learnt the cutest little social behaviours. Here comes momma ….