In the post where I introduced the Motley Crew, The story of this Motley Crew – TheGreatReset(of2020) (thegreatreset-thorn.com) I intimated that there is always more to a story than meets the eye. I asked you for your thoughts and mind stories, and I got it. Thank you.
I feel it is important to note, that this is a story of fiction. Some elements may seem awfully familiar. But afterall, where do we find inspiration if not in real life. Art imitating life or life imitating art and all that.
Any likeness to any person living or dead is purely coincidental. All characters are fictional.
In no particular order, I list the outcome of your inspiration:
Now we have the individual stories of each of these fine examples of steadfastness and honourable struggle. What remains to be told, is the story behind the complete picture.
Forces unknown to us as the reader of this story, conspired through a series of accidents and arrangements, to have them in within a day’s reach following a telephone call. A day may sound some distance, but time and distance are both relative. In the North of the country, a day is quite near, but given the intermittent availability of transport to the site of our story, it may take a day (or even longer) to get back to the village of Elenga’s childhood.
Elenga had hit a jackpot, of sorts. When COVID interrupted the way we lived and worked, and took away many lives and many livelihoods, he was lucky. He had found a job working out of harm’s way, which paid well. He worked extremely hard when most were stuck in their homes playing all sorts of social media games. He was in the sun and the wind day in, day out. And at the end of the enforced lockdowns, he had earned enough money to give back in a meaningful way. He packed his bags, spent a week in town gathering the essential equipment needed, and headed back home. There were funerals to attend to, and there was work to be done.
On his way, just before leaving network connectivity, he made a few calls. Yes, we all have our spheres of network and influence, and he wanted dependable trustworthy men. He was taking them to his home. He was going to change lives.
John Pallet brought his wise ways with him and found a kindred soul in the aged headman of the village. BaasLang had recently procured a portable welding machine and a diesel-powered generator through an SME financing scheme, which he brought to site. BruBen happened to be on the back of the Bakkie heading towards the village. XoXo knew he wanted to help on this project and insisted on taking leave from his new job.
Each of these men came for one reason, to add what they could to build a durable village well. One that would supply the inhabitants with safe drinking water, irrigate the Mahangu fields, and more importantly, provide a clean and undisturbed setting for the elephants to drink their fill. For no lives would be lost again, due to man and animal fighting each other for what both needed.
With tears of pride Ndiriraro who was now an old man bent with years of hard labour, watched the headman baptise the young village boy Elenge, into ElengeN, the man who had come back to his home, to make life better for all. In turn, ElengeN introduced his Motley Crew: John Pallet, BruBen, XoXo and BaasLang and the village became known as the origin of resurgence of self-sufficiency. A great wind of change started blowing through the nation.
How did the team find each other? Perchance? Providence? Does it matter?
No man is an island. What you do influences others, and your counterparts tie you into the bigger picture. Make it count.