I promised, to put up a page detailing the content of, and recipe ideas for my produce.

Internet is a bit slow this morning, so no fancy web enabled tools, simply the product and its uses. I’d love to post pics of your experiments with DBP produce. Leave a comment and a picture.

PS – When (not if….) you recycle the DBP produce glass jars by bringing them back, there is N$5 off your next purchase! Reduce, re-use, recycle….

PPS – For the fans of the Finkenstein Bush Market – Here is quick links to the products you would have bought by the time you read this.

Goats Cheese Products

I have a selection of

  • Chevre (medium soft cheese).
  • Labneh (Creamy cheese)
  • Feta (medium to hard)
  • Haloumi

Goats Milk of course.

Pro-biotic culture for the yoghurt and Labneh.

Rennet and cheese cultures.


Pesto (Vegan)

This pesto is vegan friendly. Unlike traditional pesto, it has no cheese, and my version has a great peppery taste.

Pesto uses

Fancify your spaghetti. Toss a big spoonful in your just cooked spaghetti, and fry for just a second or two. Add a few sundried (or fresh cocktail) tomatoes, and chopped up spicy sausage of some kind.

Or use as an emergency snack – serve with those long lost savory biscuits you found in the pantry.

Tired of your boring office sandwiches? Use a generous spread of pesto instead of butter, with your chosen savory topping.

I dont have any more ideas, because it never lasts long enough.

PS – it freezes well, so don’t hesitate to order more!

  • The Pesto ingredients simply:
  • – Fresh Japanese Mustard. Loads of it.
  • Japanese Mustard is the new Rocket. (herby salad leaf, in case you are a culinary innocent)
  • – Nuts
  • – Olive oil
  • – Fresh garlic
  • – Lemon rind
  • – Lemon juice
  • – Salt & Pepper

I’m trying to kid the healthnuts – The chocolate chips are in fact not chocolate, it is Cacao Nibs, which is a Super Food.

Sourdough (Flour)

Butter (lots of it)

Sugar (ditto)

Cacao Nibs

Eggs (farm fresh of course)

And a little bit of salt, baking soda, cornstarch and vanilla.

Sourdough Seed Crackers

An ideal quick & healthy snack. Hoping to introduce a gluten free version soon.

Sourdough (Flour)


Sunflower Seed

Cia Seed

Sesame Seed


Celery Salt

Olive Oil

Pesto Pasta

Pasta in environmentally friendly packaging.
Pasta in the making

Pesto Pasta – You can’t have it easier. Unless you pop by for dinner.

But here is a flavoured pasta ready to go. Simply boil it for a few minutes (because its fresh, it needs less time than shop bought pasta). But because it has no egg, be a little gentle with it.

Once it has reached your desired consistency, decant it from the boiling water, and just before you serve, you can quickly fry in butter (or serve as is).

Of course, like the Pesto recipe above, you can add some chopped cocktail tomatoes and salami for an Italian Al Frescoe affair.

The ingredients I have kept purposefully simple.

  • Flour (I have not yet perfected the wheat-free experiment, so sorry for the gluten free diets).
  • Pesto
  • Water

Dried Herbs

It feels a bit silly to list the ingredients, so let me say what is not included in this selection of:

Dried Herbs uses:

  • Use small amounts of the marjoram – it is pungent. In stews/soups, and if finely powered, salad dressing.
  • Dried Mint – about a teaspoon for a fresh cuppa tea. Or rub generously on your farmfresh DBP lamb (once the meat packaging and transport is sorted, it will come to market)
  • Dried Basil – add to your spaghetti sauce
  • Dried Fennel – add to your rusks, freshly baked bread (especially rye bread), or a twist to an otherwise bland salad.
  • The Marigold is not a herb. It is a bug repellant for your garden, with the by-product of bringing bright sunshine flowers to the garden.
  • Dried Mint
  • Dried Basil
  • Dried Marjoram
  • Dried Fennel
  • Marigolds (NOT A HERB) –

There are no pesticides (unless you count a boiled garlic chilli concoction as pesticide).

Preservative free (on the insistence of my dad), no added salt, no added sugar.


Cheek Puckering Treat

Limes are sour. You understand that, you understand this product.

Traditionally marmelade is made with Oranges, but in the spirit of Ubuntu, I procured excess limes from a colleague, and voila – a tasty treat.

Recipe wise you can go the traditional marmelade on toast.

Or, another colleague told me that her daughter and husband loves making lime soda/tea respectively.

There you have it, anti-COVID medical use too.

Ingredients are once again simple. No preservatives.

Limes, Ginger, Water, Sugar. That is it.

PS – there is also a sugar-free version, made with Xylitol.

Doggie Treats

Only Weetbix that takes it so gently 🙂

Whether they come our chewy, or crispy, Weetbix and Oxo (my two rescue puppies) love it!

Sweet potato


Bread flour

Farm Fresh Eggs

Peanut Butter

Sugar Free Sourdough Almond Cookies

For those of us/you/him/her/them; who need to manage their sugar intake, I have crafted this recipe based on the ChocChip Sourdough Cookie.

It has received a seal of approval from “the Dad”.

Erythritol Dust and Liquid Stevia

Then the usual cookie batter (flour, Sourdough starter, eggs, almond flakes, vanilla, salt, butter, cornstarch).


More to follow – Like Chamomile tea.

And Fresh produce – while the weather allows: Beautifully black Brinjals, Rainbow colour peppers, Basil and Japanese Mustard.

Not to mention the environmentally friendly beauty products…

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Windhoek, Namibia

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