For those who may not know I’m a Trekkie, you clearly have not read my blog.
Here are a few hints.
My tattoo That time I had a feature role in Star Trek The Borg Locutus of Borg (ex Picard)
My logo is a patam. This is a symbol used in formal Vulcan writing, to start sentences.
The patam orients the reader unambiguously as to the direction of the writing. It also sets a formal tone and imbues the text with a sense of propriety and respect.
Why today’s topic? It has taken me a fair interlude since a Family day feast on the neighbours farm, to ruminate over the reply to my response on what my tattoo means.
A group of us were talking about this and that, and when asked what my tattoo meant, I responded with the Vulcan Greeting .
I was met with a round of blank stares. What do you mean, you don’t get it? This is the most famous of greetings, even more apt now in our social distancing times, and you do not know?
Exasperated, I was about to launch into a long monologue to explain some very essential basic life truths, when a bright graduate (obviously bright, because she responded more or less correctly) countered that it was “You know, that Spock dude”. Well done Natasha!
A few moments of silence followed. What? Still no comprehension? Natasha to the rescue again “You know, from Star Wars”.
If you are a Trekkie, you will understand the time it has taken me to regain my composure.
And that us why I like Uwe. Because he persisted, and wanted to know what the difference between Star Wars, and Star Trek is.
So, for Uwe, Natasha, my Dad, my neighbours, and the uninitiated:
Yes, they both transpire in space. They both have movies and TV series under their respective franchises. I do like both, for the imagination and creativity that is flaunted in the depictions of alternate beings and technology.
They both have “wisdom & logic”.
In Star Trek, Spock is the Vulcan, who is a race of supremely logical, and non-emotional humanoids. And it is that logic I find so appealing. And of course, that infamous coma inducing pinch. Not to mention mind meld abilities.
After a time, you may find that having is not so pleasing a thing after all as wanting. It is not logical, but is often true.
Star Trek – “Amok time”
Yoda is the wisdom. That truly short green little man in a brown cloak, with a mean light saber fighting technique.
“NO! Try not! DO or DO NOT. There is no try”
I found this very elegant description of the difference on the web.
Star Wars is about fighting the Man. Star Trek is about being the Man.
Star Wars have exciting fight scenes, lots of explosions, rebels and so-on. Whereas Star Trek (although not without its fair share of action) is more about the Prime Directive.
This guiding principle prohibits star ship crews from imposing their own values or ideals on alien civilisations, using their superior technology. Now is that not a value system we can apply much better in our society? Capitalism? Nah, seems to have failed us. Communism did not make it. Socialism is not the all-encompassing solution either. Etc. How about we simply do not impose our will on others, but rather focus our energy on encouraging mutual understanding?
But I digress.
Back to some basic differences.
The main characters in Star Wars are (Spoiler Alert – stop now if you want to experience the iconic plot twisters) Luke’s father , Luke Skywalker, his twin sister Princess Leia, R2-D2 (also known as Artoo-Detoo
), his companion C-3PO (yes, you guessed it: See-Threepio
), Padme Amidala and so on.
Star Trek characters – How on earth am I going to limit this to one paragraph?
Obviously, Spock. Then the captains (of each series): Hard to pick my favourite between the Captains Janeway, Picard, Cisco, Kirk. And I guess I must include Captain Archer, although I do not think he matches the ethos. And lately, Captains Pike and Saru, of the new series, which astounds with its technology.

There cannot be any beaming-me-up, without Scotty. Doctors (real life and holograms) on each ship, the profits-above-all-else Ferengi, the fearsome Klingons, including Worf. The Borg, Dominion, and a new species I still need to identify in Discovery are among the bad guys.
…. I feel the pressure of a toastmaster at a wedding, leaving out the toast to the mother of the bride…..

Now I must quit. If I have not lost you already.
Live long and prosper. This is the meaning of my tattoo, and the ethos of my Self to Others.