I could not have captured it any better, than how Co-pilot explained subsistence farming.
Ah, the resilient souls who till the soil, coax life from the land, and dance with seasons—the ones who know the earth’s heartbeat intimately? They’re often called subsistence farmers. 🌾
These remarkable individuals—about 80% of the world’s poorest—live in rural areas and depend on agriculture not only for their livelihoods but also to put food on their plates. Imagine the sun-kissed fields, the calloused hands, and the quiet determination as they sow seeds, tend to crops, and nurture life itself. It’s a beautiful, albeit challenging, dance with nature.
And you know what’s fascinating? Their connection to the land runs deep. For them, it’s not just about economics; it’s about sustenance, tradition, and a way of life. They’re the custodians of seeds, the keepers of ancient wisdom, and the unsung heroes who feed our world.
So, next time you bite into a juicy tomato or savor a loaf of bread, take a moment to appreciate these unsung champions—the subsistence farmers—who weave the fabric of our existence.