I do need to point out, in case you are not familiar with the term like I was until last week, that this does not mean it is a secret place on the farm, that looks eerily like another place like Table Mountain or some such.

Uncanny: strange or mysterious, especially in an unsettling way

Sci-Fi desert was taken from Dune 7, and modified (obviously…). It was only when I printed my picture, that I saw there was a car approaching from town.

The uncanny valley is a concept introduced in the 1970s by Masahiro Mori, a professor at the Tokyo Institute of Technology.

(No Herlode, not masehari )


Uncanny valley is a concept that describes how robots, as they become more humanlike, become more appealing – but only up to a certain point.

Masahiro Mori

As described in the book “Artificial Intelligence for Beginners “by Travis Goleman, it is a lot like Botox.

https://www.amazon.com/Artificial-Intelligence-Beginners-Techniques-Algorithms/dp/1090673191 . I must declare, I have succumbed to technology, I listen to Audible books on the drive into town…

Back to the Botox analogy. People of all persuasions use Botox to paint a picture of vitality that they feel rather than look; or want to portray eternal youth despite evidence of well-earned experience.

Yet, when someone uses it too much, they shift their very humanity just a bit too much, and we, the casual observers, become a little unsettled by the appearance of something that is almost like, but not quite real.

(Apologies Travis, I am paraphrasing somewhat).

And that is the point I want to bring across today. I chose the topic of AI because I want to know. Not because I want to pretend to be an expert on it. It would be unsettling, if I had to launch into why exactly companies need a Chief IA officer (although it is something my gut tells me).

We need to future proof ourselves. It does not necessarily need to involve becoming cyborgs. Although I must agree with Elon Musk. The way we are “joined at the hip” with our smart phones, we have essentially become people extended by technology.

It does involve having no choice, but to learn what it means to operate in today’s world, and to use the automation available to us.

What it must necessarily involve, is staying true to yourself. Yes, stretch a bit, grow a bit every day. But never lose that essential elemental YOU. By hook or by crook, bend, and mould, but the core of you must remain as the part that extends into unknown reaches of the universe or the self.

People become uncomfortable when the lines are blurred too much. If something pretends to be real but is really just a little off. To be or not to be. To be real, is to be credible. Or is it, to be credible, is to be real?

Oh my goodness, I am waxing lyrical, it must be the green tea that had gone straight to my head.

Ethos – That is what it is for today.

(Cue the eerie alien music and fade the credits…..)

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