Sugar and spice, all things nice, that’s what little girls are made of.

Yes. But, when it comes to experienced women, its more like a good curry: equal parts of cynicism, optimism, with a good dash of pragmatism.

You may find in the stories that follow, that I cannot utter the word that is means to denote the particular age I find myself at. Somehow the Gregorian calendar is confusing my intuitive and physical ages. I would much prefer the stardate system, which “is a fictional system of time measurement developed … for… Star Trek”, which makes it impossible to convert all dates into equivalent calendar dates.

But back to the curry analogy. It reminds me of where I learned to make a good curry. Despite spending years in the kitchens of large holiday resorts, where I trained under an Indian chef, it was when I “guest-sat” for the one guest in my mother’s guesthouse one cold Cape winter Saturday evening, where I learnt the subtlety from someone who knows.

I might write share that recipe one day, but for now, my mission is to establish the raison d’être of this blog.

The Great Reset (of 2020).

Its kind of obvious. COVID-19 is that “one in a hundred years” event. In terms of Enterprise Wide Risk Management standards, that really means a most unlikely event, and typically, even though it may have a catastrophic impact, given the low likelihood, most people would assign a low risk priority to it.

Well, surprise there.

A lot has been said, speculated and conspired. I have no intention of going into any tirade of what, where and how these unprecedented times came about. And as tempting as it is to draw parallels to previous world changing events, that still is not the purpose of this blog.

The purpose is simply this: It is here. It has changed things. It will still change more things. (I am starting to sound like “that” famous Stephen King novel).

So now what? No, I certainly do not have the answer. This blog is about my journey through the peripheral and inner uncertainty. At best it sparks your pursuit of your particular passage. At worst it is an entertaining interlude from the storms out there.

What will you find here?

  • Well, if you know about growing vegetables, you will find an opportunity to share counsel.
My “seed capital”
  • If you have an odd assortment of ingredients, you may find inspiration for your meal.
Olive tapenade, feta and farm fresh spinach Stuffed Chicken rolls
  • A whole lot of creativity, in many mediums.
Go on – use the slider!
  • A contrasted collection of observations about topics ranging from the holodeck on Enterprise, to the local Whitebrowed Sparrow-Weaver family.
  • Postulations, hypothesis & notions on what the future may hold for the average Jo, and how said average Jo could best prepare.
  • And, if we come to the stage where my remaining option is the full blown “Living off the land” solution, products and produce from “Stone Store by DBP”
Logo inspired by the look and feel of the farm

This, being my first post, has now come to an end. You will hear from me again soon.

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  1. Great blog – loved reading it and cannot wait for next one ! Elizabeth

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