The tool I use to document my blog, has a very nifty “headline analyser”, that scores the headlines according to word count, common words, sentiment etc. I cannot wait to see that it does with today’s headline.
Also, cannot wait to see what you will do with it.
Yes, I tested positive for Corona on Thursday.
No, I am not on supportive breathing apparatus.
Although the men in the long coats are standing by to take me to a soft padded cell. Being stuck indoors with my husband, aka the Big Baby, is driving me nuts.

So this blog will simply describe the situation, and my experience. It will counteract some of those scary “can’t breath, can’t eat, can’t move” video clips that circulated on social media, because not all experiences are like that.
As I write this, I can link this to some threads in some previous blogs. Each person is unique and must contribute in their unique way. Each person’s Corona is unique and needs its own tailormade response.
Here is what worked for me:
- The first signs
That was it. No collapsing in the street, no special orders for extra set of lungs. I simply was dizzy late Sunday.
I tried to sleep it off all day Monday but decided to go to the doctor on Tuesday when that did not work.
All the literature talks about nausea, headaches, fever, coughing, tiredness, diarrhoea (I nearly got it trying to spell it!), sore throat, loss of taste etc.
Now I know, you do not need all the symptoms to be Corona’d. I guess this is one of the reasons it makes it so difficult for doctors to quickly identify and respond. It sure does not make sense to haul out a COVID test for every little sniffle.
2. The contamination
It was only when I got an email on Wednesday, informing me that a person at a function I attended the previous Thursday was tested positive, that I decided to ask the doctor to request a COVID test.
Were there protocols at the event? Yes. Did everyone follow them? No. Was that where I caught it? Maybe, maybe not.
Now I know, its much easier to follow social distancing rules with strangers, than with friends and colleagues you realise you have missed for ages.
I will be giving you a hearty “forearm bump” next time I see you. No akward “I-want-to-hug-you-but-COVID-says-I-can’t-so-let-me-give-you-this-akward-presentation-of-arms-without-body-contact”.
3. The test
It was an extremely sweet Lab assistant that swabbed me, and to give him credit, he was gentle. But it was first ticklish, then burning, then eye watering.
Now I know the value of empathy. It does not change anything, but your perception. And your perception is your reality, right?
4. The outcome
I am impressed. By Friday lunch time I had my call from my Counsellor. This is not some political local windbag, but my very own guide from the Ministry of Health. Kahile was well informed and immensely helpful. He even explained why he was offering to accommodate me in a lodge. (Which I was tempted to take up, seeing as my employer is a provider of some of those lodges, and we need to revenue!)
And not 10 minutes after, my contact tracer called to get the names and numbers of all those I had contact with. Luckily, I had self-isolated from Monday already, so the list was truly short.
Now I know, contact tracing is real, and it works.
5. The treatment
Not particularly scientific. So, let me list the many home remedies recommended by anyone who heard I was positive.
- Steaming. With Vicks, which I only got on Friday, so tried Tiger Balm for the first two days. Yeah, Tiger Balm may not be the kindest on your delicate nasal passages.
- Hot tea (or any beverages) with lemon and Fresh Ginger (eating both afterwards). Finally getting The Husband to try tea without milk & sugar!
- Immune Boosters. Wish we could try some new flavours.
- Seasick medication for my initial dizzy symptoms. Probably no longer required but let me continue.
- Multi vitamins
- Fresh fruit
- Hot meals
- Gargling with salt water
- Sanitization
And thanks to The Husband’s brother, who drove all the way out of town to deliver the extra doses.
6. The end
No, not in the way of Jim Morrison “This is the end, my beautiful friend, this is the end”, but rather a case of I have nothing further to report.
We will self-isolate for at least 10 days, which means we may be seen in Public by next week Monday again. Not this Monday, next Monday.
I will undoubtedly catch up on drafting a few posts, and I certainly will share any new Corona experience with you. Keep safe and keep your social distancing!
Ah, update: The Husband also tested positive. I will say that for us, through thick & thin.